Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Air Force Aircraft Maintenance Afsc

Air Force Aircraft Maintenance Afsc - 2A852 (Old Codes 2A553, 2A154, 2A157, 2A451, 2A452, 2A453, 32152, 32351, 32352, 32353, 32550, 32551, 32554, 32850, 32851, 32852, 32853, 32854, 45351, 45352, 45551, 45552, 45554, 45651, 45753) -- Mobility Air Forces Integrated Instrument and Flight Control Systems Journeyman -- Airframe

2A553 (old codes 2154, 2157, 2552, 2252, 32551, 32552, 45552, 45554, 45655, 45554, 45655, 45554, 45655, 45554, 45655, 45554, 45655, 45554, 45655, 45554, 45655, 45554, 45655, 45554, 45655, 45554, 45655, 45555, 45555, 45555, 45655, 45554, 45655,

Air Force Aircraft Maintenance Afsc

A1c Brandon Setorie, An Aerospace Propulsion Journeyman (Afsc 2A651f) With  The 388Th Maintenance Squadron On Hill Air Force Base Attaches A Safety  Wire To An Engine. Setorie Is From The U.s. Virgin

45753) -- Mobility Air Forces Electronic Warfare Systems Journeyman -- Airframe Work Ethic: Work while you're at work! Do not spend an extended amount of time on your phone at work, and if there is any maintenance going on, be a part of it.

Professionalism Tactical Aircraft Maintenance

ESPECIALLY, if you have never done the task before. Become an expert Airman by learning how to do your job better than anyone else. If there is down time, study technical data to increase your system knowledge.

As a new Airman, there are a few different career paths that you could take. The most common one is a flight line crew chief. That is what I described above. This is what people think of when they hear of crew chiefs.

Education: Pursuing an educational goal while you're working on the flight line will set you apart from your peers when it comes to performance reports. Consider a degree path that relates to the job you're doing.

Most Aircraft Maintenance Units will go on multiple TDYs every year. This stands for temporary duty. These typically include trips to other Air Force Bases throughout the world, and they are a great opportunity to travel.

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Job Description Tactical Aircraft Maintenance

Crash Recovery/Wheel and Tire: Crash Recovery duties require technicians to be available to respond to any in flight emergencies or crashes. Most of the time, they tow the aircraft back up to the flight line from the end of the runway.

These technicians also replace and rig crucial safety of flight components like flight controls, air inlet ramps, landing gear, canopies, and other cable systems like nose wheel steering or start handles. They come to work to do just that… work.

If there isn't any work to be done or there is down time while their jet is in the air, they'll study technical data to increase their system knowledge of their assigned airframe. 2A872 (Old Ceses 2A573, 2a177, 22372, 323721, 32572, 32572, 45572, 45572, 45572,

45671, 45773) -- Mobility Air Forces Integrated Instrument and Flight Control Systems Craftsman -- Airframe 1430 – Your turnover shows up to relieve you. You give him any details about the jet he needs to know about and any hip pocket items that you found on your inspection that need to be addressed.

Civilian Careers Related To Tactical Aircraft Maintenance

You push your tools into support. Also, do not feel limited to aircraft maintenance when you decide to pursue a civilian career. You are a marketable veteran that can use your leadership, time management, attention to detail, production processes skills to land a good job.

Maintenance Support Functions: Maintenance Support Technicians work in the support section. They maintain support equipment, perform tool inventories, inspect consolidated tool kits, deal with disposal of hazardous waste, and pack up cargo for TDY's and Deployments.

Which Maintenance Afsc's Would You Choose? : R/Aviationmaintenance

If you read the section before this, you could guess that the maintenance career field is not the most professional out there. Follow these tips to make yourself stand out from your peers and get yourself promoted.

2A972 (Vedd Codes 2A573, 2a174, 2nd271, 323721, 32572, 32872, 32572, 45572, 45572, 45574, 45671, 45773) -- Bomber/Special Integrated Instrument and Flight Control Systems Craftsman -- Airframe 0800 – You got your tool box pushed out to your jet.

Deployments/Tdys Tactical Aircraft Maintenance

You start to look it over, review the forms and hope you don't find anything messed up before the fly day. You remove the covers and set it up for a launch. If you have time, you spend a good amount of time cleaning it.

Along with the more non-traditional ways of teaching, correcting, and training, you'll be expected to do your job correctly all the time with little to no recognition. However, you'll be made an example out of whenever you make a mistake.

That's just how it is. Do enjoy your time in Texas. Use the weekend to go out with friends or classmates to do something fun. I recommend going to Wichita Mountains for a day trip or going to Dallas for a sports event.

2A871 (old Codes 2A573, 2a174, 2nd272, 223721, 32572, 32872, 42572, 45572, 45572, 45572, 45671, 45773) -- Mobility Air Forces Integrated Communication, Navigation, and Mission Systems Craftsman -- Airframe Do take notes and outline the material in a notebook the day before it is covered in a lecture.

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They forced us to do this when I was coming through and it honestly helped me a lot. You get exposed to the material 3x. (Reading it, writing it, and hearing it) 1000 – STEPS! You're notified that your pilot has stepped.

You finish breaking the jet down, unpin the ejection seat. The pilot shows up, you greet him and hand him the forms. He's pretty chill but he's too cool for small talk. If you are single, volunteer to go on every deployment that you can.

Sometimes they can come up at a moment's notice. Your pay is tax free, you could earn danger zone pay, and you can spend the time deployed to improve yourself by hitting the gym hard, hitting college hard, and you'll make lifelong friends in the process.

0700 – Roll call. Your bitter flight chief will call out training that everyone has gone overdue on and your 7 levels will give out assignments for the day. You get assigned to a "flyer" and are expecting 1000 steps.

1230 – You marshal your jet into the spot, secure it up, and tell the pilot he is clear to shut down. You do some documentation forms with the pilot, greet him, and send him off.

Culturally, the maintenance career field is full of "blue collar" workers who pride themselves in working harder than anyone else in the Air Force. That is true to an extent. The good maintainers out there will always find something to do when they are at work.

Back To Basics: 'The Afsc Way Is Our New Playbook' > Robins Air Force Base  > Article Display

2A851 (Old Codes 2A553, 2A154, 2A157, 2A451, 2A452, 2A453, 32152, 32351, 32352, 32353, 32550, 32551, 32554, 32850, 32851, 32852, 32853, 32854, 45351, 45352, 45551, 45552, 45554, 45651, 45753) -- Mobility Air Forces Integrated Communication, Navigation, and Mission Systems Journeyman -- Airframe

Don't get cocky because you did well in Tech School. The real flight line is a lot different. There is a difference between someone who is smart on paper and someone who can turn a wrench.

2A573 (Old Codes 2A174, 2A177, 2A471, 2A472, 2A473, 32172, 32371, 32372, 32373, 32570, 32571, 32574, 32870, 32871, 32872, 32873, 32874, 45371, 45372, 45571, 45572, 45574, 45671, 45773) -- Mobility Air Forces Electronic Warfare Systems Craftsman -- Airframe

Tactical Aircraft Maintenance Technicians are referred to as a “crew chief.” As things need to be addressed, the crew chief leads a crew of other AFSC's to get the job done if it is outside of his or her specialty.

They may get their name on the side of their assigned aircraft as an assistant dedicated crew chief and eventually as a dedicated crew chief. Tactical Aircraft Maintenance Technicians are the first ones in, and last ones out in every maintenance unit.

They are responsible for the overall care of aircraft, documentation, inspections of aircraft structures, preventive maintenance, and scheduled inspections of their assigned aircraft. 2A951 (Old Codes 2A553, 2A154, 2A157, 2A451, 2A452, 2A453, 32152, 32351, 32352, 32353, 32550, 32551, 32554, 32850, 32851, 32852, 32853, 32854, 45351, 45352, 45551, 45552, 45554,

Mission Spotlight: Senior Aircraft Armament Technician - Youtube

45651, 45753) -- Bomber/Special Integrated Communication, Navigation, and Mission Systems Journeyman -- Airframe Phase Technician: Phase Technicians do in depth special inspections of the airframe as they approach their scheduled down time. These inspections occur every 400 flying hours and they spend about a week on each aircraft as they come up.

Disclaimer to the list above, you will be subject to doing your core job until the rank of MSgt. However, if you get picked up for the jobs through the ranks as you go up, they will be 2-3 year breaks from your core job.

1245 – Now it's go time. You must get your aircraft turned for the next go. You perform a thruflight inspection which includes, oil and hydraulic servicing, tire changes if needed, refuel, and any major safety of flight conditions that may need to be addressed.

You'll see your fair share of maintainers pounding energy drinks, dipping, smoking, vaping, and when they're off work, drinking. I don't recommend doing any of these things, but you should be aware of possible peer pressure to fit in.

The cool thing about this career field is that it is specialized to the point that you get to maintain military fighter aircraft, but you are still maintaining aircraft. Every major city in the world has an airport, and they need people to work on airplanes.

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